
Top passwords by number of abuses
Top passwords by number of abuses
1. qwerty99 83927
2. Super123 83783
3. passkey 25129
4. Adm1n12 4137
5. 123456 2037
6. 123 1218
7. 1234 886
8. 12345 751
9. adminHW 733
10. 1234567890 705
11. 1234567 603
12. admin 525
13. user 495
14. 12345678 492
15. qwerty 490
16. 0 399
17. 0123 399
18. 012 399
19. 01 399
20. 012345 398
21. 01234 398
22. 01234567 397
23. 0123456 397
24. 98 396
25. 9 396
26. 987 396
27. 987654321 396
28. 0123456789 396
29. 012345678 396
30. 98765 395
Top usernames by number of abuses
1. test 8736
2. user 7392
3. admin 7132
4. support 5236
5. root 4531
6. adm 3903
7. user1 3268
8. test1 3259
9. testuser 3237
10. webmaster 3182
11. testtest 3125
12. noreply 3104
13. service 3038
14. shipping 3035
15. office 3001
16. postmaster 2946
17. finance 2946
18. temp 2939
19. postgres 2929
20. printer 2929
21. training 2929
22. no-reply 2928
23. testmail 2928
24. xerox 2927
25. warehouse 2925
26. education 2924
27. helpdesk 2922
28. payment 2922
29. exit 2921
30. library 2921
Top username / password combinations by number of abuses
1. support qwerty99 1952
2. adm qwerty99 1952
3. adm Super123 1951
4. user qwerty99 1951
5. user Super123 1951
6. support Super123 1946
7. warehouse Super123 976
8. testmail qwerty99 976
9. education qwerty99 976
10. pr qwerty99 976
11. servidor qwerty99 976
12. mail Super123 976
13. test1 qwerty99 976
14. abuse qwerty99 976
15. helpdesk Super123 976
16. office qwerty99 976
17. sync Super123 976
18. root qwerty99 976
19. sales01 qwerty99 976
20. sale Super123 976
21. webmaster qwerty99 976
22. lp Super123 976
23. lp qwerty99 976
24. noreply Super123 976
25. info qwerty99 976
26. connect qwerty99 976
27. exit qwerty99 976
28. monitor qwerty99 976
29. admin Adm1n12 976
30. scanner qwerty99 976